Abbie Eastwood
Naturally clear and bright tone, Abbie is very versatile and is a talented gaming and motion capture artist. She has an incredible work ethic and is a joy to have in the studio!
Naturally clear and bright tone, Abbie is very versatile and is a talented gaming and motion capture artist. She has an incredible work ethic and is a joy to have in the studio!
Native American. Abby Sheridan is originally from Ohio and for 5 years worked as a performer, actor and singer (a triple threat!!) in New York City. Some of her performance credits include CATS, Grease, and 42nd Street. Abby is incredibly talented, she has a very warm and smooth tone to her voice, making her a joy to listen to.
Native Hull. Amy has a bright and engaging voice. She is a regular presenter on Channel 5’s Milkshake!
Aoife Kennan is an incredible actor, writer and voice over artist! She grew up in Durham and has a very warm and friendly Geordie accent as well as a soft and conversational RP accent.
Bright, upbeat, youthful and very versatile, Belinda is naturally RP and has a strong generic US accent. She is also at home with most regional accents.
An upbeat, bright & smiley voice with good range from clear & informative to confidently sexy. Incredibly professional & versatile – a definite one-take wonder! Claire writes and voices continuity for SKY Movies and On Demand, and you can also hear her on Absolute Radio.
Coco has a very bright, bubbly RP tone to her voice, and is great with a US accent. She is a fluent sight reader and has experience in gaming.
Native Cockney, English-Standard, London. Elliotte is an amazing actress, dancer and singer… a triple threat!
Elliotte is extremely versatile. She has a very warm, natural and conversational tone to her voice.
Emily is naturally young and vibrant RP – she is extremely versatile and has a great range of accents and characters.
Gemma has a very conversational, bright and expressive voice. Native Cheshire.
Georgia is an up and coming actress who we believe has a bright future ahead of her. She’s also amazing at accents and brilliant acting reads. Georgia is really great at doing kids voices. Cockney, London/Estuary, Manchester, general American/mid-west and Essex
Harriett is such a versatile voice artist. From Gaming – where she recently voiced the character of Shar in Boulders Gate, to audio books, advertising and everything in between. She’s also adept at accents moving easily between yorkshire and RP and from conversational to seductive.
Hayley has a naturally friendly, clear and upbeat tone with great versatility and character voices.
Houmi is a skilled actress with some brilliantly notable work in commercials and fantastic ability with characters, making her perfect for gaming and animation.
Ingvild Lakou is an amazing actor with many credits to her name. Native Norwegian. She has a very interesting and unique accent which makes her a dream to listen to. Her US accent is incredible too. Ingvild stars as a series regular in ‘Gangs of Oslo’ (Blodsbrødre), now streaming on NETFLIX. She recently appeared in […]
Native Scottish. Jamie has a versatility of regional accents from a gentle neutral Scots narrative to a broader Glaswegian tone, and eases effortlessly into a generic US.
Bright, young and very natural (and a little bit cheeky), Jessica will bring a smile to your face. Good versatile accents.
Juliette has a bright upbeat versatile voice with the ability to do a number of accents ranging from RP to Yorkshire. Her stand up comedy background gives her great comedic timing.
Native Welsh – Katie has a lovely soft and engaging tone to her voice. Welsh speaker and very good RP. Amongst many other things Katie writes and voices continuity for Quest Red channel and SKY History, and has been a Live announcer for Sky.
Neutral London. Keisha is cool, urban with a natural upbeat tone that switches easily into smooth, deep and enticing. Great characters too.
Native Middlesbrough. Kirsten has a natural upbeat and conversational tone to her voice, she has good range from bubbly to more serious documentary reads.
Laura Lexx is an award-winning comedian and writer with an upbeat, amusingly perky tone to her voice and great comedic timing.
Soft Manchester. Lou has a very calm, smooth and enticing voice with that little bit of extra ‘something’.
Mairéad has a gorgeous Irish accent. Being the amazing actor that she is, she has the ability to be extremely versatile. She can give a super energetic and upbeat read and can also give a natural, conversational and smooth read. Mairéad can also speak Gaeilge fluently.
Majd Rbaihat is a professionally trained Voice Over Artist with a North American accent. She is extremely talented and has a gorgeous smooth, relaxed and conversational tone to her voice. She has worked with Bloomberg, Euronews, Nissan USA, LEGO, WHO, Trello, Zendesk, The Guardian, Owlet Baby, Cosori, and Levoit. Check out her reels below!
Michelle has a smooth and relaxed tone to her voice. Writer, Author, Brand Consultant & TV Presenter. Michelle is internationally renowned as an authority on interiors, trends, wellbeing and style.
Natasha has a smooth, gently husky voice which is very natural and engaging.
Native Coventry. Natasha Springer is a very talented voice-over artist, singer, songwriter, actor and piano player with almost two decades of experience spanning stage, studio, TV and radio.
Nicole is bright, fresh, youthful and smiley. She has great versatility for gaming and animation.
Niki has a naturally classy and smooth RP accent but she also very natural US in many accents. Very versatile.
Irish. Olivia has a naturally soft and conversational tone to her voice, and has wonderful versatility for animation and character work.
Robyn can voice a wide range of characters, accents, ages and genders. Their voice has a lovely clear, engaging and warm tone.
Samantha is a very talented journalist and broadcaster with more than 20 years at the forefront of the news. She is currently presenting on BBC News, including the agenda setting ‘The Briefing’ news and business programme and Sunday Politics on BBC 1. Samantha also has her own podcast ‘Its a Grown up Life.’
Sara has a friendly, rich and clear RP voice. Great range of reads from bright and upbeat promos, approachable and informative narratives and conversational commercials.
Sarah has a neutral wonderfully comedic and upbeat tone to her voice. Sarah’s native accent is northern and she can do a range of northern accents.
Sarah’s voice has a wonderfully warm & husky quality to it with her natural accent making her feel totally relatable. She’s an absolute gem to work with.
Sarah has a lovely upbeat and friendly London/Essex accent.
You can hear Sarah across almost all of the Absolute Radio stations.
Sarah has a very approachable and clear RP tone to her voice with great comedic timing.
Sophy is naturally RP. Sophisticated and reassuring with gentle gravitas, with great comic timing.
Native British/American. Susie has a versatile voice with multiple US, British and Irish accents. Fluent in French and Spanish
Zannah is a LAMDA trained actress and an outstanding voice over artist with many credits to her name in explainers, commercials and characters. Zannah is adept at accents and being a character actress she’s phenomenal at character voices too.
48 artists found.